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Hey everyone


Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Hi 👋🏻

Have you started on your ONE action?

It's been 6 days since my last post and I wanted to check-in for those who commented, have you started on your One action?

Reply in the comments below.

Martin Lindeskog
Khai Lin Chuah
Paz Castelli
Terry Winship

4 responses


Terry Winship

Terry Winship

Thinking .......................
Paz Castelli

Paz Castelli

Yes! I'm on it! ☺️


Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

Since I want to start writing, the ONE action I can take is to list down 5 topics/titles that I want to write on.
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah Blogging?

What’s your choice?

Multiple choice is a fire-starter for conversation

What is the ONE thing you would like to achieve this year?

If there's really ONE thing that you want to make it happen this year, what would it be? Just pick one.. I am curious to know

Reply in the comments below.

Martin Lindeskog
Paz Castelli
Terry Winship
Khai Lin Chuah

4 responses


Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

For myself, I would like to start writing articles or posts. I have been thinking about it for so long but I never started. So this is the ONE thing that I would want to focus on this year.
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

I'd like to create a TikTok channel - have the ideas - need to create the time!

How to build a new habit: Crafting a habit statement

James Clear describes that behavioural change happens at multiple levels.

Outcomes are about what you get. Processes are about what you do. Identity is about what you believe.

With identity-based habits, the focus is on who you wish to become.

Examples ...Show more


Three Questions to reflect on as we move into 2023

1. By the end of this new year, how would I like things to be different?

(What systems would need to be in place and what actions would need to occur for that to happen? Who can help me to achieve this?)

2. What do I want to spend more time on this year...Show more


Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Something to “chew” on… 🙃
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog Yes, definitely something to think about and ponder as we start our year. And Happy New Year. :)


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