What is the ONE thing you would like to achieve this year?

If there's really ONE thing that you want to make it happen this year, what would it be? Just pick one.. I am curious to know

Reply in the comments below.

Martin Lindeskog
Paz Castelli
Terry Winship
Khai Lin Chuah

4 responses

Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

For myself, I would like to start writing articles or posts. I have been thinking about it for so long but I never started. So this is the ONE thing that I would want to focus on this year.
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

I'd like to create a TikTok channel - have the ideas - need to create the time!
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Terry Winship What is the channel going to be about?
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

@Khai Lin Chuah I thought to share presentation skills, public speaking, confidence techniques - how you sound out on the world ?
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Terry Winship when you start your channel, I will subscribe. So I will hold you to it ;)
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

@Khai Lin Chuah oooh okay.
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

Maybe we should create a haaartland channel - and share the features, why we need community - invite guests etc ?
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Terry Winship I have a podcast together with my co-host, Carina Ridenius, called Presentation (Skills) Q&A. We also have a podcast called Presentation (Skills) in Plain English.
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

@Martin Lindeskog ooh that’s so exciting. I’d love to join and contribute to that one day. I do a lot of presentation skills training to corporates.
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Terry Winship Great to hear! πŸ™‚
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Terry Winship That is an excellent πŸ’‘ idea!
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog You are the King of Podcast. I definitely want to learn the skills from you.
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah You will! I am not the King 🀴! I am the President! πŸ˜‰ Content is King 🀴, Context is Queen, and Conversation should be Pres(ID)ent! πŸ—½ I have a good friend in America who is called the Franchise King. Check out Joel Libava’s blog.
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog I love what you just wrote. Going to steal that and use it!! Ok will check out this person.
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah You are welcome! Please do! πŸ™‚
Paz Castelli

Paz Castelli

@Martin Lindeskog I really liked this idea! Will keep it in mind πŸ˜…
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Paz Castelli Great to hear!
Paz Castelli

Paz Castelli

I would like to start a community about mental health, where people can finish shelter and work on themselves. I hope to have it up and running by the end of this year that has just started... let's see if it takes off! :)
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Paz Castelli What an awesome community that will be, serving those in needs. Can’t wait for you to set it up
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

@Paz Castelli it’s such an essential thing to have. So many people are struggling.
Paz Castelli

Paz Castelli

@Terry Winship Thank you for the support! Hopefully this will be of some help for those in need. All suggestions and collaborations more than welcomed in this initial stage! :)
Paz Castelli

Paz Castelli

@Khai Lin Chuah Soon!! 🀞So many incredible people on board, I think it will work!
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah I want to relaunch my podcast Hot & Spicy Review (of hot sauces and spicy 🌢 food) together with you as a co-host, and create a community on Haaartland for it. Talk soon πŸ”œ! πŸ™ƒ
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog Yes! Waiting for that email so we can kickstart and make magic!
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah OK! βœ…
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