Anyone interested to do a self audit as we approach the end of the year? Let’s share ideas here.

Reply in the comments below.

Leslie Clarke
Khai Lin Chuah
Martin Lindeskog

3 responses

Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Yes, please! 🙃
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog Have any ideas? Usually I do a wheel of life to take stock on the different categories in my life. How abt you?
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah What is a wheel 🛞 of life? I will go through Trigg Life Mapper’s end of year review. I will also listen to another audiobook on Ikigai.
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog sounds interesting. Has it been helpful? The wheel of life is a wheel divided into about 5 to 6 slices. Each slice represents a category like finance, family etc. There will be a rating of 1-10 (1 being unsatisfied and 10 being very satisfied) in each category. You will base your level on how you feel in each category at the moment. N then you will put in the rating of where you want to be in future. I will audit where I am now. N then using that I will plot where I want to be in future so I can put in my intention for each category nex...

Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Khai Lin Chuah It sounds similar like Ikigai and Trigg Life Mapper calendar. Have you read about this wheel in a book?
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Martin Lindeskog I know abt Ikigai. I got to know abt wheel of life wheb I trained as a coach. It is widely used as a self audit tool amongst coaches
Leslie Clarke

Leslie Clarke

Been doing it with my coach and decided to look forward and focus on the money 👍
Khai Lin Chuah

Khai Lin Chuah

@Leslie Clarke Awesome. Did you use Wheel Of Life?
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